Our Approach

"As the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, I am committed to creating every opportunity for students 0-22 to reach their potential. Collaboration, the use and sharing of data, and connecting education and health outcomes are essential to our children’s success in school, career and life." 

Dr. Michele Cantwell-Copher, Fresno County Superintendent of Schools


Fresno C2C works to build equitable systems and inclusive economic mobility for children and families through cross-sector partnership, collaboration and measured improvement.


Trust, relationships and shared purpose make just and equitable systems possible. Cross-sector innovation, connectivity and collaboration are strong and ongoing. Working together we link, align and leverage resources.


C2C Guiding Principles: Advance Equity, Engage the Community, Encourage Collaboration, Collect and Connect Data, Leverage and Align Resources

The Fresno C2C Team

The Fresno C2C backbone is a small, multi-talented group deployed to link, align and leverage the work of local agencies, institutions and stakeholders. Maintaining discipline to a process (informed by the StriveTogether Theory of Action) and ensuring that all partners adhere to the Fresno C2C guiding principles are primary to the work of the backbone. The team focuses on driving innovation, building connectivity and strengthening the civic infrastructure.

Developing this environment includes:

  • Building a culture of trust and collaboration
  • Launching transformational ideas
  • Moving work from instinct to evidence by collecting and connecting data
  • Convening and mobilizing networks to coordinate efforts and create efficiencies
  • Facilitating small pilots, applying continuous improvement, working toward scale


Linda Gleason

Carol Christenson
Strategic Communications and Design

Brooke Frost
Advancing Collaborative Action

Cindy Jurado Hernandez
Policy Coordinator

Eric Cederquist
Superintendent Liaison

Tim Nightingale
Convening Strategy and Facilitation

MaryEllen Galvan
Program Coordinator-Community Engagement and Development

Sunshine Valenzuela
Program Assistant

Annie Sharp
Senior Director, Data and Research

Hilda Rivera Vazquez
Data & Analytics - Integrated Data Systems
Angelina Amaro-McNamara
Director-Community Schools RTAC
Angelica Reynosa
Executive Leadership Coach-Community Schools

David Castro
Executive Leadership Coach-Community Schools

Abby Petropolis
Executive Leadership Coach-Improvement Science

Heather Gomez
Executive Leadership Coach-Improvement Science



National Affiliation

StriveTogether Logo - Every child. Cradle to career.


Fresno C2C is part of StriveTogether, a national movement with a clear purpose: helping every child succeed in school and life from cradle to career regardless of race, ethnicity, zip code or circumstance.

Strive Together Network Numbers
Strive Together Systems Change logo